7 reasons you should never use Africom Internet by Dr Clarence

Africom was supposed to be a giant of  Telecommunication and Internet Service Provision but in reality they are a Giant of market abuse, fraud, false and misleading advertising, misrepresentation, and incomprehensible service charges.
In my one month experience of using Africom, Everything has always been hectic, they always have some sort of problem, in my experiences with powertell and zol, Everything has always been fine.

Zol internet has always been fast and up, Zol is never down or slow for even a second regardless the time or number of users.

Africom is abusing the market and it is my duty as a Public Defender to bring Africom to book, Africom should take responsibility for its crimes of Market abuse
Below are 7 reasons you should never use Africom

01.Africom engages in market abuse or unfair trade practices, They will take your money even when their service is down, you may buy airtime this minute and their network will work in taking your money then when you want to use the airtime what you bought if for they will tell you "We are sorry out base stations are down"

When a person says they are sorry without rectifying the problem they are just politely saying "Go f**k yourself"

02. Africom will steal your money, if you buy $5 airtime they may give you $4 and when you call they will tell you we will get back to you, we are looking into it

Download the high quality image here http://qfs.mobi/f2683222

03.Africoms Base stations are always down almost everyday, Africom internet is always down more time than it works and when it finally works

04.Africom internet is very slow, they throttle speeds

05.Live support is not live and it does not respond to both their online chats and emails

06.Africom has no respect for ghetto people, They identify their victims based on where they come from and they think ghetto people can not afford to take legal action so they victimize them

07.Africom continually abuses Consumers’ right to complain in writing and receive a prompt responses. Africom has for three weeks not responded to my single email

I appeal to the respective ministry to stop Africom from operating and i am seeing to it that i get compensated all my losses caused by the poor perfoming service provider wanna be "Africom" they even put the Afri part in their company name, which is an insult to Africa, no wonder why foreigners always look down upon africa, Africom is tarnishing my African image. More details to follow when i file summons on monday...Dr Clarence
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