Africom Customer Support insults robbed Client

I was having problems with Africom after they had stole my money with their malfunctioning Java scripts, I contacted their help chat on their website and on seeing i was Dr Clarence the Public Defender and Citizen Jounalist they didnt respond,
Then i contacted them with another name and they responded, Upon then Discovering that i am Dr Clarence, the lazy helpline personnel ignored me for an hour now, which is a crime and consumer rights breech.

Africom agent mocked me by saying "Do you want free Data sir?" and i will see that justice is served, i have all the time in the world.

Chat Transcript with Kudzi
Chat started on 18 Oct 2015, 11:45 AM (GMT+0)
(11:45:35)*** Kudzi joined the chat ***
(11:45:36)Kudzi: hey
(11:45:49)*** CC Agent joined the chat ***
(11:45:55)CC Agent: good day
(11:46:18)CC Agent: how can we assist
(11:55:21)Kudzi: i bought airtime and ddnt get the airtime that i bought
(11:56:18)CC Agent: can you please forward the email that you received with the transaction ID to so that we can trace
(11:57:09)Kudzi: no you dont respond, i did that yesterday and you are not compying with potraz consumer protection guidlines
(11:57:13)Kudzi: complying
(11:58:45)CC Agent: its the only way i can assist, without that verification email i wont be able to assist
(11:59:10)Kudzi: um not a fool
(11:59:31)Kudzi: yesterday Called helpline Rutendo Africom at 21:54hrs,ref 8647489
(11:59:37)Kudzi: emailled
(11:59:46)Kudzi: no response
(11:59:58)Kudzi: today called yolandas to call mi back she didnt
(12:00:23)Kudzi: now i contact customer suppoort with another name then you respnd
(12:00:54)Kudzi: i am taking screenshots of this chat and when we are done i am publishing it
(12:01:01)CC Agent: yolandah gave you a call and you and you did not pick up im sure you can see the missed call from our switchboard
(12:01:19)CC Agent: your account now has the unlimited bundle expiring on the 25 of october
(12:01:50)Kudzi: already i have made this article, i have all the time in the world to get justice served on you thieves
(12:02:06)Kudzi: where did the bundle come from???
(12:02:12)Kudzi: i demand to know now
(12:02:55)Kudzi: now you are now responding
(12:03:36)Kudzi: its a crime to not respond and it comes to your personal responsibility as an individual
(12:05:12)CC Agent: Do you want free data sir?
(12:05:33)Kudzi: i may be a musician, i am a highly educated computer engineer, top interlect human rights attoney, a great thinker with an iq of 181, above that of bill gates, i tried to be ethical yesterday and the helpline told me we can help you on monday, so how then today did you solve it
(12:05:53)Kudzi: you asking me do you want free data? i take that as an insult
(12:06:10)Kudzi: i want the inspiration and the work that i lost yesterday
(12:06:27)Kudzi: i want to be paid for communicating with you guys
(12:06:39)Kudzi: now can you give me that??
(12:12:07)Kudzi: Zimbabwe Law says helpline should be prompt and Polite
(12:13:18)Kudzi: you think we make complaints coz we want free Data, i made a complaint because i was victimized, i demand to know your name now
(12:16:26)Kudzi: i am now redcording with a video camera and i am proceeding to upload evidence of you slow response
(12:20:53)Kudzi: 6. CONSUMER RIGHTS 6.1. What Consumers should expect from Service Provider(s) Service Provider(s) should provide clear and comprehensive information about tariffs, terms and conditions for available products and services. 6.2. Consumers should only be charged in accordance with tariffs, terms and conditionsas they have agreed with their Service Provider. 6.3. Consumers are entitled to expect Service Providersto: a. Provide Consumers with clear and accurate bills, so that they readily understand the tariffs charged and method ofcalculation used in producing bills for products and services; b. Be fair, prompt and courteous when responding toproblems presented by consumers.
(12:30:14)*** Kudzi has rated the chat Bad ***

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