The Gideon Gono story and the Abused Girl

This girl,her parents passed on when she was young, a beautiful girl, she didn't do so well in school, Her fathers sister brought her to Chitungwiza to help her with the kids for no pay, After a while her aunt didn't want her anymore and she forced her to move with this drug addict guy, He cut her hair, no he beats her everyday and i said to myself motherf***s um gonna call the police for you, If you wanna help your unfortunate relatives, don't turn them into your house girls or pimp them for your own benefit, SEND THEM TO SCHOOL, if they cant do well in academics, SEND THEM TO A TECHNICAL SCHOOL, There is still hope you might be 30 but if you work hard by the time you reach 40 you may be holding yourself a bachelors degree, a journey person licence, the least you can get is a drivers license at least, don't just Pray, work and Pray,

You might not have a single O Level now but ten years from now you should have changed that, If you write one subject a year if you are 40 now by the time you reach 45 you will be holding 5 O Levels, and by 50 you will hold a degree, if you are 25 you can even start from grade one so whats your excuse.

If you are too lazy the eat lots of food you will be a bouncer in less than two years. If you cant afford then go to prison there is free food, accommodation and free education, you will walk out with a degree. Alternatively you can correspond with universities Like University of London and UNISA is very affordable, Online degrees are cheaper with Indian universities,

Gideon Gono was a teaboy at 18 in 1977, ten years later he was a Finance Manager at the Zimbabwe Development Bank (ZDB) in 1987. When he left the Zimbabwe Development Bank in 1995, he had risen to the post of General Manager. at 18 he didn't know the door  to a class he corresponded his way up in other words he started form 1 at 18,

Zimbabwean women are on the rise, now they drive and buy houses more than men because women are not shy to go to school at an old age even with a baby on the back a woman will get up and work, so if you know any girl or boy, man or woman who is like the girl mentioned at the beginning of this article,be their miracle, inspire them, the simple phrase "you can do it"  is worth more than any money you can give, we have problems we are complaining about now but people ten years fro  now if we still have the same complains then, we are idiots.
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