Tocky Vibes an Inspiring Story

Hundreds of were again turned away from the Dunstable Leisure Centre on Saturday evening after the venue for Tocky Vibes show filled up within two hours of the doors being opened at 9pm.
Many have talked of Miracle money and miracle babies but Tocky is the greatest miracle,

I remember over 10 years ago working with Tocky Vibes and the likes of Killer Tee, when Guspy Warrior was still a rapper and Stunner was still rated the worst rapper, When we made fun of Shinsoman's voice saying he sounded like a Gospel Singer, Who ever knew that Cindy would one day sing with Freeman whose music was at once condemned by Urban groovers saying it has no quality

This story should inspire everyone to know that its not about what everyone else is doing but about believing that you are different and pushing till you accomplish your goals and dreams.

Once i worked for Andy Brown he told me "You are always number one at your own game never let anyone coach you how to live you life if you want to be great"

At once all great inventors where once told all that needs to be invented has already been invented

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