😱😒 BREAKING NEWS πŸ“°β†’ Tsvangirai πŸ’€ Left with 6 Months To Live, βœπŸ’€πŸ˜’πŸ˜±

When one reaches the Final Stage of Cancer, it becomes imposible to treat and one can not live for more than 6 months.

Welcome to TV7 Live, Before you proceed Please like this Video to be able to watch it to the end.
President Mugabe Seems to be running arond Zimbabwe rallying in Campain of the 2018 Presidenti al Election. He is recieving massive record crowds whilst morgan Tsvangirai seems to be on a low, What is Happening to Morgan Tsvangirai?
Sometime ago the Zimbabwe first lady Grace Mgabe mentioned that Mugabe will rule from a wheel chair, That is if the time comes. or if the need arises.
Right now it seems Tsvangirai Maybe the one rulling from a wheelchair, That is if he wins the Election or if he lives that Long.
Wining the Election will not be a walk in the park considering the massive campaigns lauched by the ruling Zanu PF.
This is a Leaked Picture of The Opposition Partys Leader Morgan Tsvangirai, He is suffering from Colon Cancer, He has claimmed that he has recieved treatment and is recovering, but is he?
Could he be at an untreatable stage of cancer? Is he left with only 6 months to live? Morgan Tsvangirai denies this speculation and claims to be recovering bt we all know whaat happened with the resently passed away CDE  Chinx Chingaira, He once released a video claiming that he is not ******, Could Tsvangirai be Doing The Same?
What Do you Think, Leave Your Answer in The Comment Box Below.
My Name is Dr Clarence, You are Watching Tv7 live and as Always Thank you for watching and i am out.

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