Grace Mugabe Declares Self President

Zimbabwes controversial First Lady Lady Grace Mugabe has reportedly told the Zanu-PF women's league that she "plans and does all things with her husband President Robert Mugabe" meaning, she is already President of the country, Thereby confirming the long held suspicion that she was running the State's affairs for Mugabe. Mashonaland West women's league chairperson, Angeline Muchemeyi said Grace notified that she has no reason for her to fight to be Vice-President, a lesser position, when she was already running the Nations affairs.
Grace Mugabe Declares Self President
Grace Mugabe at a Rally
Muchemeyi revealed this after the Zanu-PF women's league passed a resolution that Grace remain secretary for women's affairs in the party.

Contrary to speculation that there will be a push by women to have the Zanu-PF constitution changed to allow a woman Vice-President, a move that has been viewed as paving the way for Grace, Muchemeyi said the First Lady had said she was comfortable steering the women's wing because she was already running the affairs of the State.

Asked if the Mashonaland resolutions were in a way a sign of ditching Grace, Muchemeyi said: "Grace told an executive meeting that she is ‘already the President' and would not want to be appointed VP, as it was a lower post.

"The First Lady said I'm the wife of the President, I'm the president already … I plan and do everything with the President, what more do I want, for now the position of the women boss is enough."

Last year, Grace said Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko took instructions from her.

Grace has been linked to the G40 faction that is said to be opposed to Mnangagwa succeeding Mugabe.

The women's league had been pushing for a female Vice-President, a move viewed as aimed at toppling Mnangagwa and have him replaced by Mugabe's wife.

In a surprise turn of events, the women's' league spoke highly of war veterans, saying women respect the former freedom fighters because they are principled, unlike newcomers in the party, who are bent on destroying Zanu-PF for money, but Muchemeyi did not elaborate on this.

"We have our war vets, who have a history in the party, they respect our President because they went to war, but the factions are created by handpicked members, who do not have liberation credentials," she said.

Grace Mugabe has been criticized by war vets, who are seen as Mnangagwa's supporters in the succession squabble. Source Online , , , ,