Mnangagwa Sabotage, Conspiracy Exposed, The real reason why BIgwigs lost at Zanu PF primaries

When General Chiwenga and other brave soldiers spoke in November last year, they said they where targeting criminals around Mugabe, But when ED came into power they where no significant arrests and investigations, if any.
When Mnangagwa made his cabinet, He Picked over 80 percent of people who served under Mugabe..He didn’t real change anything, or did he? If so or if not, why then.
ED has came a long way with fellow Zanu PF comrades And he can just fire them or arrest them, This is where the Zanu Pf Primary Elections Also Come into play. Remember ED said he wants free, fair and credible Elections, and his niche is The Voice of the people is the voice of god.  we have seen many big wigs loosing in Zanu PF elections and, the voice of God is doing this. This is the only way ED can remove the so called criminals that were around Mugabe…..Dr Clarence TV7, Watch Video here
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