Winky Dee Outshines Beeniemam.

The morning following The Beenieman Show in Zimbabwe, All Zim Major Media Houses Headlined Winky Dee Outshines Beeniemam.
Winky D has never ceased  shining, He is no stranger  to outclassing international Arists. in 2014 he outclased Kalado,

Fans threw cans and enpty bottles at Kalado demanding that Winky D  be brought back on Stage. Everyone was Shouting Winky Winky D.
 in 2015 Winky D  outshined Jamaican Artist I Octane.  he has outshined many many other jamaican artists over the Years.
Now He has outshined the King of The Dancehall, so does does this mean that winky d is now the new king of dancehall in the entire world?
Believe me This is not Propaganda, Lets Take a Look At Beenie Mans Perfomance
Take Note of the Crowds response.
Now Lets Look At Winky D perfoming. Look at The massive Croud Response, Each and Everyone Singing Along, Probably beenie man was singing along to Winky D too.
So now Does Winky D Otclassing the King of Dancehall Mean he is now The New Internationl king of Dancehall?
What Do You Think?
Leave Your Answer in the Comment box Below, And Make Sure to like This Video, Lets get to 1000 Likes For Winky D.
Ok folks That Was it For now, My Name is Dr Clarence and you are watching TV7 live.
As Always thank you For Watching And Im out. , , , , ,