3 million Jobs in Zimbabwe at last

People cried in Zimbabwe, They Suffered, Crying for Jobs saying "We are an Educated People". I did my survey in various Locations and Ghettos, Met the people and we talked about issues troubling them.

Most of them where not as Educated as they said, They were just people who went and finished school but were neither educated nor passed. Some failed grade 7 and they expect to find a job in a bank, Some have Zero O levels and they want a job at delta cooperation. .

So i asked them individually, So tell me what job would like to do?, most of them couldn't even at least reply. The few that replied said "Rese Rese Mudhara"
Then i said "guys i see in the newspaper everyday in classifieds vacancies column  there is always plenty jobs, Why cant you apply.

I realized most of the people who cried for jobs have never even looked for a job their entire life, They never wrote a CV, some of them don't even know what a CV is. And most of them didn't have any other learnt skill which is non academic eg motor mechanics, welding, etc.

There are always Jobs in the classifieds but most people don't qualify. There are jobs ready everywhere around Zimbabwe, Man power is even in shortage. Shops need cleaners, companies need security guards, professionals need house girls,baby sitters and garden boys. People will say "no zvinomakisa" but the same people go to South Africa and they do the same jobs they refused to do in zimbabwe. Its called ego, they want easy money, they don't want to either work or study to become who they wanna be, Zimbabwe's ex Governor Gideon Gono did his O level when he was 28. Now he has an economics book studied at universities worldwide even in the states.

People are used to working for someone for something they can do themselves, sell and keep all the money, People would rather work for a big company as a mechanic who will service $10,000us worth car repairs. The company will pay them $500 from the $10,000us they worked for for the whole month.

God created us all for a purpose here on earth and if you don't claim your purpose someone will take it and used for their own benefit. You will become their worker and call them boss yet you are the one with what he needs.

If you have failed academics no problem there many other non academic skills you can aquire. Now pliz stop complaining about a job if you have never even looked for it, if you are not qualified or under qualified.

Learn Photoshop, There is a massive shortage of Graphics Designers in Zimbabwe, ...Read article below for business ideas you can start with nothing.
7 Business ideas you can start with under $20us
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