Isaiah 10:27: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (KJV).
Tens of thousands of people attended United Family International Church in Chitungwiza on the 10th of August 2014 where Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa gave anointing oil to the believers.
Prophet W. Magaya
Prophet W. Magaya
As the Man of God explained the Anointing oil’s purpose, he also demonstrated its power in full view of the entire congregation. ‘Inside this oil is the invisible power of Jesus Christ. This oil is just a channel of transferring grace power and favour to you’ said Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.
The man of God prayed, prophesied and decreed words upon this oil. This Anointing oil is set to transform lives and bring testimonies, its results are guaranteed. You will realise your life has been dry because the anointing was been absent.
“With this oil upon your head, you will win every battle. Your life will be protected against your adversaries. Diseases will be healed and yokes of bondage will be broken. It is the oil of joy and prosperity carrying the power of God and uncommon grace for everything you will ever need in this life” declared the man of God.
Unbelievable instant miracles were witnessed, many that were bed ridden and sick went back home filled with joy after receiving their healing.
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