Prophets dont want you to read this.....ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS THEY COULDNT ANSWER

These men believe if they fake a miracle and bring people to hurch or God they have done a necessary evil, THIS ARTICLE DOESNT MEAN THERE ARE NO REAL MIRACLES but whoever gets offended by this is the person being said in the article below.
We have our True Prophets of God and the devil keeps sending people to discredit them, Of course the Gospel of God is all about finding salvation and each persons level and definition of Salvation Differs. For some its a marriage, for some its education, for some its inner peace, for some its serving God and humanity for some its singing for the Lord.

The problem now is with these new sprouting fake Prophets who have seen real men of God prosper now they are thinking the work of God is a bussiness, Recently ive met this preacher who tells a false testimony that he has imprisoned for 36 years yet he doesnt look like he is even 30, he moves around with a hidden wheel chair wich he then brings out when he starts his street preaching, So when passerbys come after he has already started they will Assume a miracle has already been done.

There are also those fake prophets who may never know for themself that what they are doing is not the work of God but hypnosis, A person in a wheelchair may have an adrenalin rush out of excitement, a person who is having an adrenalin rush does not feel pain so he will get out of the wheelchair and run. Now here is the big surprise, when the service is over and the excitement is over the adrenalin stops. The person will now be feeling pain and put back to the wheelchair and then the man of God will say you have little faith.

  1. the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. Its use in therapy, typically to recover suppressed memories or to allow modification of behaviour, has been revived but is still controversial.
    synonyms:mesmerism, hypnotism, hypnotic suggestion, autosuggestion
    • a hypnotic state.
      "I was regressed under hypnosis"

Why do these man of god want you to pray with your hands up and eyes closed?
Before answering this question i want you to close your eyes for 4 seconds and tell me what you see, the reply is everyone will see something, thats imagination not a vision from God
  • It's easier to see imaginary things with your eyes closed.
  • It helps you concentrate on the voice of your hypnotiser only and not focus on all the other things
  • The bible doesnt tells us to close our eyes when we pray, the only few times in the bible mentioned concerning eyes and praying eg........
  • John 11:41,  Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
  • Now that we know the bible never said close your eyes when you pray, so who started it ?? of course a human being who had his own thoughts, [Matthew 6:5] And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, ..... The bibles do not pray like hypocrites, The roll on the groung,  they close eyes, they shed tears, its all acting to convince you that they are holy.
What are tounges

  • Tounges are biblical and the bible says they can be interpreted but how about tounges today which have no interpretation?
  • These tounges are chants wich hypnotist and mentalists use

Why do they sing worship during deliverance and preaching services 

  • Slow jams below the tempo of 80 are hypnotising especialy if the songs are in the keys of Dsharp and Fsharp.
  • Slow jams put you in a trance, thats why this music is called trance, Trance uses strings as the main instruments, The same music used for yoga, meditation and sleep. So next time you  are in church and you start having a weak feeling, dont think its the holy spirit, you are sleepy my friend, Even in club when a deejay plays some sort of songs you say "Dj Music yenyu inorarisa" Deejay you music makes people sleepy. 
  • Even Jamaican rastas listen to reggae and dubs for meditation and trance, especially after smoking ganja.
  • Cocaine smokers love Trance and Rave, Yes rave, rave is not fast music, its slow music with a double drumset. If you cant unerstand this now, try singing a worship song on a rave or house drumset.
  • If you have your girlfriend at home, play trance music and see if you wil not get laid.
  • Trance music is played in european clubs so that you dont get home untill all your money is finished.

What happens on a so called demonic manifestation
  • During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration. The person can concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction.[7] Hypnotised subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions.[8] Hypnosis is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic inductioninvolving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. Suggestions like "You demon of snake start crawling" the person will craw. "you demon of prostitution start  modelling, start dancing like shakira, etc.
  • Demon manifestation is a combination of above mentioned and it is an intense release of suppresed memory. Thats why the subjest will say names relatives, etc because in their growing up their parents always blamed your aunt for wichcraft.
  • The hypnotisor (Pastor) will say auto suggesting words and the subject who is in a trance will respond. He may say if i snap my finger or wave my towel you will feel the power of God, some will cry and some will laugh. Just like a person who has drunk too much may start crying about long long gone stories, others may laugh uncontrolably as if they have taken Ganja. Thats the same resong when a person is high from ganja they may think they are seeng God and Angels.
  • Its not the weed or drugs that causes trance to happen but body chemicals like dopamine which is produced in the human body triggered by s.ex, happiness, exercises and also drugs can trigger and also a hypnotiser can trigger dopamine, If a person is in those moods he wont feel pain eg during s.ex
  • After any subject is back from the hypnotic state they will not remember their name untill after a couple of seconds thats why if a pastor asks whats you name the person wont remember or they will just say a random name.
Brainwash is worse than kidnapping and imprisonment, These days churchmen have became more like con artists, causing intentional infliction of emotional distress to the poor who are stressed because they can not afford to buy the so called god,
Church is suppoosed to be a place wear the brocken hearted, the weary and sinnersn seek redemption not manipulation.

To Brainwash = to indoctrinate so intensively and thoroughly as to effect a radical transformation of beliefs and mental attitudes…. (This is the definition of one online dictionary) -

To Brainwash = aimed at destroying a person’s basic convictions and attitudes. (This is the definition of another dictionary)

Clearly there are 2 ways to look at “Brainwashing” This is fine too… There always has to be 2 sides to everything, this is the law of polarity.

Now here comes my main point and I think most people will agree with me on this and if you dont thats fine too….

If we had 2 choices in life, to either focus upon negative things happening in life and in the future, things going from bad to worse, from worse to downright horrendous OR to focus upon positive things happening in life and in the future, things going from ok to great, from great to amazing, from amazing to absolutely perfect. Which would you choose to focus on? Which would you embrace as a way of life?

If you could only ever focus on one or the other for the rest of your life which would it be Positives or Negatives?

I thought so! Ok, ok I understand that life cant always be a bed of roses, but if we can choose the positive train of thought more than the negative and expect the best possible outcomes in life then we are heading in the right direction.
Opinion Dr Clarence , , ,