Crimes of Xenophobia, South Legal Obligation

Crimes of Xenophobia, South Legal Obligation

By Dr Clarence (Human rights Defender)
The Zulu Kings Speech is all evidence we ever need in court to make this so called Xenophobia a genocide, Zulu Kings speech shows intent ant intent is what makes it Genocide. Of cause its a xenophobia but genocides occurred during the Xenophobia.
Xenophobia is when doors are opened and foreigners are driven out, Genocide is when doors are closed and foreigners are Killed. People are afraid of using the term "genocide" but genocide occurs far often than people think. Finally, it is frequently said that the word genocide is avoided because invoking it would create a legal obligation to act to prevent or stop it by the location state.

Dec 10, 1998, South Africa signed and ratified or acceded to the international agreement of The
Genocide Convention treaties to prevent and punish actions of genocide in war and in peacetime. Zulu King must be punished.

Someone lost a Parent, source of livelihood school fees, Who will educate and feed the Victims Children.South Africa should compensate, Children of Xenophobia victims should be given Child Support by South Africa, Their school fees should be paid by south Africa until they don't wanna school anymore, on top of that the salaries of the victim should be paid by South Africa to their husbands, Wives and Children, inclusive of promotions probabilities and allowances,
South Africa Should compensate all funeral Expenses, Pay for damages like emotional stress, artificial disaster, life long distress, Someone will forever be disturbed by the horrific images of a video of their mother, father, child relative being killed on a video they unknowingly stumbled upon on whats-app.South Africa should pay.

Those who where injured and disabled during this Xenophobic Genocide should be compesated too.

Africa Union Should address this immediately, if not i will personally sue South Africa, Xenophobia is the last Stage of Human Rights abuse, The Zulu King should be Tried for inciting violence, he argues he has been misquote, come on, his speech is all over the web, is that a misquote, this Zulu guy thinks he can fool us like we are his Kids.

No international relations is more important that a human life, Investors should also be compensated, Zimbabweans and other Africans who own shops in South Africa should be compensated their investments and opportunity costs, “An economy characterized by violence and lawlessness is not good for investment.

Most of the foreigners being attacked own spaza shops and have been forced to flee with whatever they can take with them. People who had similar businesses can now trade with less competition.

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