Tawanda Marwizi Arts Correspondent
Gospel musician Mathias Mhere’s six-year marriage has apparently long been a stormy one. The choppy ride over racy mobile phone messages did not start with the exposure of wife Susan Dzinamarira’s alleged affair with Mhere’s friend Gift Mahlupeka recently.
This has been revealed by a source close to the couple who said that Mhere has been involved in extra-marital affairs long before this. This led Dzinamarira to seek an end to the marriage in May last year after she found messages on Mhere’s phone that revealed a passionate affair with another woman.

“Mhere could not find his phone in the house. He turned on the wife and even threatened to beat her up thinking that she had taken it. He went so ballistic that Susan’s suspicions arose even though she had not taken his handset.
“By coincidence, she found it (the phone) when she was cleaning the house and remembering her husband’s behaviour she went through his messages and discovered that he was seeing another woman, Mavis, who happens to have been his backing vocalist at that time,” the source revealed.
“The messages were sexually explicit and in one Mhere was requesting Mavis to refer to him as her husband. In another he was clearly referring to a past sexual encounter and in yet other messages he was describing his wish list pertaining to future encounters.”
Mavis features on Mhere’s third album “Nguva Yenyasha” and has since left the group and is now a married mother of one. Susan did not attend the launch of the DVD, and the source says that it was because that was when she had just discovered the affair.
The source informed this paper that Dzinamarira then approached lawyer Mr Charles Kwaramba and instructed her to file for divorce.
Contacted for comment, Mr Kwaramba confirmed that Dzinamarira was his client and that she did engage him in May last year although he was not at liberty to discuss the matter which was confidential.
“All I can say is that the issue was settled amicably without involving the courts,” he stated. According to our source, some meetings were held at the lawyer’s office during which Mhere admitted his perfidy and promised to reform.
“Susan decided not press for divorce after Mhere begged her to reconsider so the two could try to make their marriage work. I think he did not want to be exposed as a womaniser as it would harm his brand of a clean living and humble gospel musician,” the source alleged.
But, according to the source, this was not the only affair that Mhere had and promised to give us further details in due course.
Dzinamarira declined to confirm or deny the allegations. “Who has been talking to you? I cannot say anything about these matters right now,” she said.
Similarly, Mhere could not be drawn to comment on the matter: “I can’t comment on that issue. Maybe if you call me in the afternoon,” he said before hanging up.Herald Controversial , Herald , Investigative Stories , Mathius mhere , relationships