Roki and Ammara Break Up

HARARE – “Break Up”, yes, there is no better word to describe the announcement by songbird Ammara Brown that she and her musician boyfriend Roki real name Rockford Josphats are “just friends now.”
Ammara Brown and Roki (Picture by Gerald
Ammara Brown and Roki (Picture by Gerald
The announcement is a demotion of their relationship from that of lovers whose wedding bells were expected to ring anytime to that of mere friends with common musical interests and nothing more.
Ammara posted on her Facebook wall revealing the two socialites and celebrities were now friends after she featured on Roki’s sizzling video titled Number 1.
“More than happy to announce my friend Roki’s new video is finally out! *Yes just friends now,” read her Facebook post.
Alluding to her post that suggested they were now friends, Ammara confirmed in an interview with Sunday Leisure that their romance with Roki was over. She said they were now just friends.
“While I posted Roki’s new video on my fan-page, I also announced that he and I are now just friends. I support him in his career, as he does the same for me,” said Ammara.
She, however, could not be drawn into giving reasons for their break up, leaving people to speculate and maybe confirming love author, Anais Nin’s observation that, “love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.”
Whatever reason there is, it is no longer very important. The fact is that they have broken up and Roki could not be reached for comment by the time of going to Press.
At one time their relationship was on a high and reports were that Roki who was head over heels with the beautiful songbird was planning a white wedding that was going to make Ammara, Mrs Josphats.
However, it was later alleged that Ammara turned down Roki’s marriage proposal pouring ice on the arranged wedding plan.
Ammara said she was happy with them being friends, adding that she was happy with her son who she said was her source of inspiration.
“My son is my sun!! A beautiful 3-year-old who works hand in hand with my insane passion for music,” said Ammara.
Her former boyfriend Roki famed for being a serious womaniser is alleged to be a father of six with five different women and had their wedding plans materialised Ammara was going to be the sixth.
Meanwhile, Ammara who is daughter of the late musician Andy Brown recently excelled at the Coca Cola Top 50 charts.
Her hit song Kure Kure with Jah Prayzah earned her a spot in the charts as she became one of the two female artistes to make it into the Top 10, a feat that could not be achieved by a female artiste last year.
“Coca Cola was also elated that I am one of only two females to make it into the Top 10, because last year, there were none! I thank the Ammartians, who voted so vigorously,” she said.
Heart broken or not, the songstress said she was working hard in her quest to fulfill her musical dream and plans were underway to release four music videos this year.
“I have a brand new Afro Pop single called Havarare. It’s been so well received before it’s even gone on radio. The song like my music with Fuzzy L is soon to be released as well as a video. I’ll be shooting four videos before mid-year. I can also safely say this year the Ammartians can expect my long awaited album,” she said.
In trying to maintain her father’s legacy and contribution to the country’s music industry she has opened up a website for him and plans are on the cards to have an Andy Brown Forever Concert.
“I have a website dedicated to my dad called It is also a heads up for the concert I wish to deliver this year in his honour called the Andy Brown Forever Concert. Many artistes ranging from Tuku to Jah Prayzah will all be delivering Andy classics. If I had my way it would be nationwide,” she said. Sunday News
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