The party’s spokesperson Cde Simon Khaya Moyo, was responding in a statement, to an announcement by the EU that it was lifting the ban for the 12 months that he will be serving as African Union chairman.
He said the EU has moved to avert a major confrontation with Africa by lifting the ban, which would have meant Cde Mugabe, who is also SADC chairman, could not travel to Europe on AU business.
He said Zanu PF’s position remains that all sanctions imposed on President Mugabe as head of state and citizen of Zimbabwe be removed unconditionally.
Meanwhile, Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo said Britain is desperate to surrender the yoke of sanctions which it has carried and might have found an easy way out.
Professor Moyo told the Herald that President Mugabe’s new role as chair of the AU has provided the EU with a chance to reverse its decision on sanctions against Zimbabwe. Around Africa , mugabe , zanu pf , zimbabwe