Harare Pastor caught Red Handed with Prostitute

...fights 'hooker' at night spot By Takawira Dapi (Photo Vet) 
A PASTOR, who is understood to be with Alpha is Grace Ministries, last Friday caused a scene at a local watering hole where a lady of the night clashed with him over his female companions.

The man of cloth, was addressed as Proud Zulu in the fracas, reportedly took other women to the bar where his other lover Virginia Ndoro was. According to this version of events, Zulu enjoyed the greater part of the night in the company of other women at Dandaro Inn where Peter Moyo was performing. But all.hell broke loose when Virginia spotted the ma of cloth in the company of other women and monitor from a distance. According to one version of events, when "Zulu" late saw that he had been spotted in the company of the women, he then sneaked the women through the back door to a waiting car. "One of Peter Moyo's dancers then revealed all that was happening to Virginia who then rushed to the car par only to find Zulu about to leave with the women in the church car," said the source. Virginia breathed fire, which saw her receiving a fair share of beating from Zulu.
"I no longer love you. I have been keeping this as a secret but the world should know that you are a pastor who is also married. "1 no longer have anything to do with you," shouted Virginia. Virginia claimed that "Zulu" had last called her on Wednesday evening; "You called me in the dead of the night. I don't have peace because of you."  She also said "Pastor Zulu,, had beaten her because she had come to the bar in the company of another man. "You beat me because you saw me in the company of another man, You are so jealous and i no longer love you" she  said. "Pastor Zulu" alleged that Virginia was a hooker and he had nothing to do with her. "She is a hooker. I don't know where she is staying now and with who? "The man who pays rent for her decides where she stays,' said the pastor. The two then went on to fight again as Virginia demanded her Nokia Lumia cellphone that was lost during the fight. "You are not going anywhere until you give me my phone. I lost my phone while you were beating me," she said. "Pastor Zulu" had to hold precariously onto a moving car to escape from Virginia, who was demanding her phone.
 Extracted from HMetro by Dr Clarence , , , , , , , , , ,