Zimbabwe War Vets Joins Fight Against Police Brutality

ZIMBABWEAN War Veterans Minister Tshinga Dube has blasted recent police brutality, a report said today.
According to NewsDay, Dube said that the mauling by dogs and teargasing of demonstrators, some of them children, during the recent widespread demonstrations in the country had been "uncalled for".
Dube further called on the authorities responsible for the police to look into how they treat children during demonstrations.

"It's very, very unfortunate. So what we can only do is to speak to their higher authorities. They [authorities] must look upon these issues very seriously. Kids are kids and you will find that anywhere in the world they are taken by storm, and if that happens, they want to be seen participating," Dube was cited as saying.
A previous report said at least 43 kids had been hospitalised after inhaling teargas let off by riot police inside their block of flats in Bulawayo.
A recent report said that a one-year-old baby died after she allegedly inhaled teargas.
The baby was sleeping when cops arrived and fired teargas canisters.
The father, David Mutasa, said he noticed his daughter had difficulty breathing and tried to get the police to help, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.
This comes just less than a month after the country was brought to a standstill by protesters who have been calling for President Robert Mugabe's head over the country's worsening economy.

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