Lumumba's Lawyer sparks a new Controversy

Yesterday Lumumba appeared in court before Vakayi Chikwekwe a rotten row court magistrate  facing charges of insulting the RG Mugabe the president as mentioned in Section 33 (2) (b) of the Criminal Law . This lumumba real name William Mutumanje who directed the f* you word to President Robert Mugabe on the launch of his political party, Shared epistles with the court when he was being cross examined by his lawyer Arshie Mugiya that the President has been f**ing Zimbabweans for a good 36 years.

Lumumber told the court..... “I understand the charges they are placing before me………….F*** you is a word used as an expression of feelings and it can mean variable things depending on the situation ,eg I can say this court room is fucken full or I am fucken tired ”

Lumumba continued speaking “Robert Mugabe is a head of a political party and I also am a leader of a political party and we can exchange expressions and what I did was not an insult, the President exchanges expressions ,two days ago at the National Heroes Acre he said All those who think this country is not run well let them go to the countries they think are being run well and that’s an insult”

He also told the court that his constitutional rights for freedom were being undermined.

“I don’t know why we are sitting in this court yet the President has not felt insulted……If he was insulted he should have been here not to send people.”

His cross examination by the state had been scheduled to Tuesday the 26th of July 2016.

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