Jelous Zimbabwean Politicians Envy Mawarire, Even Lumumba Tried Immitating

Evan Mawarire's this flag is a hit and members of both the ruling party and other failed oppositions are on a nonstop race of dissing and trying to discredit Mawarire.Others call Mawarire's Successful protest a coincident with the Teachers and Nurses strikes.Some founding members of the MDC in Harare say they were surprised to see so many professionals and even some civil servants openly supporting Mawarire.
Jelous Zimbabwean Politicians Envy Mawarire, Even Lumumba Tried Immitating
Evans Mawarire
Some Haters are saying Business owners where threatened not to open their businesses so Malwares protest could become successful.Mawarire himself was arrested and freed after charges were withdrawn. But as one small businessman or vendor said this week: “None of us can afford to stay home for another day. We need every cent we can get.”

Themba Mliswa, once a loyal Zanu-PF executive and former MP, who now runs the increasingly popular youth movement YARD, said the stayaway and Mawarire deserved support and congratulations. But he questioned how this new opposition force could be sustained until the elections in 2018.

“Unfortunately the people who responded to the stayaway were largely urban and 72 percent of voters come from the rural areas, which are Zanu-PF strongholds, maintained through fear and violence.”

Mliswa said people in the rural areas were so poor they didn’t have smartphones: “They can’t afford data bundles, and they don’t know there was a stayaway run by Pastor Mawarire.”

Source-Independent Foreign Service

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