A South African woman has come out with a shocking confession that she mothered Obama's son.
The story was put to the surface yesterday when 40-year-old unnamed woman, confessed that she and Barack Obama a secret relationship. She claims they met at a hotel in Southe Africa where where she worked as a waitress, SHe was assigned to Obamas room, That is when they had s secret affair.
“We knew from the second we laid eyes on each other that we were in love,” said the unnamed lady“I don’t think either one of us was looking forward to a long distance relationship,” she said. “The idea of being thousands of miles apart from each other scared us to death. Besides he was married so it was impossible for them to even have a relationship with him. "The thing is now my son wants to know his real father, I am not after his fame or money, thats why um keeping my name unonymous" She said. around the world , Controversial , photos , Top Trending