How to Cure HIV and AIDS using Bananas

Is this for real?? ......The answer is yes,

  • Key ingredient is a protein found in bananas known as banana lectin (Banlec)
  • It clings to sugar molecules found on surface of deadly viruses
  • Once the drug locks on to the virus, it is rendered harmless and useless
  • In  lab tests, drug prevented HIV, flu and Hepatitis C

  • It all started in 2007 when the Gambia President then told his people to stop using ARVs for they actually weaken the immune system. It made sense since Gambia’s HIV rate is relatively low for Africa, at 1.3 percent meaning the new cure for HIV and AIDS works.

    He told of his method to cure HIV and AIDS using Bananas and 7 trees. A green paste is applied to a patient’s chest. A grey liquid is then splashed on, and finally the patient is given a bitter yellow brew to drink, followed by two bananas. However the Gambian method was kept a secret but in USA, 26 scientists began studying Bananas. The team was able to take a protein from Bananas called banana lectin  (BanLec) and “carefully edit” it to make it even more effective at fighting viruses like HIV and influenza.

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