WATCH VIDEO; Chairman calls VP Mpoko MBOKO

BY  · 2015/11/28  Deputy President Phelekezela Mphoko was left mad after he was introduced as Mboko at a Dr Amai Mugabe rally which took place in  Mberengwa.
WATCH VIDEO; Chairman calls VP Mpoko MBOKO
WATCH VIDEO; Chairman calls VP Mpoko MBOKO

Acting Chairman for Midlands name K Chivamba  made introductions, introducing the VP as Mboko he was told to correct this saying “Kwaitwa correction kuno its Mphoko,”  Mphoko later took to the stage and said in Shona the word Mboko was derogatory, so people should learn to pronounce his surname correctly.
He invited Cde Chivamba, who was also on the high table, to join him to the stage. “Are you the chairman? Wanditukaka iwe. What does Mboko in Shona mean? You do not deserve to be the chairman,” said VP Mphoko. The two were later seen together as Cde Chivamba accompanied VP Mphoko who left the event earlier.
First Lady, Grace, appeared to later diffuse the tension when just before her address jokingly chided VP Mphoko for failing to know her MaNcube totem.IHARARE
Watch the Video Below
WATCH VIDEO; Chairman calls VP Mpoko MBOKO

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