Dr Clarence reacts to Brutal Police Officers; Letter to Mr Chihuri

Victimizing a husband to someone, a father to someone, a mother, a Sister, These hot head officers don't know there are millions of desperate people on the waiting list to Join The Police in Civil Service, as a citizen of Zimbabwe I demand Hothead officers be fired, Getting a job as a police officer is a great privilege some die dreaming of joining the Police.

The reputation of Zimbabwe police should not be jeopardized by a few individuals, I write this opinion as a stake holder of Zimbabwe, It is my duty to police the police.

Chihuri i know you are a person who goes to church, humble,honest and hardworking, But if any member of the police decide s to do mischief,everyone blames you, CHIHURI.

I am willing to volunteer my capabilities to help Zimbabwe bring the individual hot heads to justice

12 June 2014, Police beat a rural based tout who was passing through Mbudzi, I was present and witnessed it with my own eyes, I couldn't do anything then because I was not yet a Human rights defender,
Last year in Marondera police beat up two-year-old child and her father who were shopping. They were beaten with baton sticks and had to be taken to hospital for treatment. That incident happened after a Kombi Driver was killed over a bribe.

ZIMBABWE POLICE BEATING UP HANDCUFFED CITIZEN,who is Supposed to be innocent until proven Guilty,
If you have any details on this incident inbox me, Your Privacy is safe, alternatively you can use online SMS websites to remain anonymous, or call with hidden ID my Number is 0773 390 967,


I have no problem with your service,i have no problem with the police, I understand that in every public service the are hot heads,
I demand the arrest of  these Police Officers, They should be fired immediately.

If they can not be found,I volunteer to use my personal resources to find these nasty officers, They are a liability to the Police force and too our nation, Such Practice is very bad for our tourism Industry, Tourists and Investors need to feel Safe,
Only less than 10 idiotic individuals can jeopardize the police reputation and everyone will blame Chihuri.

Watch Video of Police Hot heads below

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