Zimbabwean Celebrities Who bash Their Wives / Husbands

From the wife bashing days of Simon Chimbetu and Andy Brown, we take you to present day Celebrity Wife bashers


On one incident he beat up his ex-wife, the mother of his daughter – Sky – Paulina at the East Gate in Harare

When contacted for comment, Ex-Q could neither deny or confirm the allegations, but blamed his “enemies” for trying to tarnish his image.
“We have problems, like any other family but to say I bashed her is too much “mabasa evavengi avo vari kuramba vachiwanda; asi hameno ngavataure zvavo zvavanoda (It’s the work of my enemies who are increasing but let them say whatever they want about me),” said ExQ.
The alleged abuse is said to have reached “alarming levels” and residents at Spencer Cooke Gardens in the Avenues area are accusing Ex Q of disturbing their peace by constantly causing mayhem at the place.
In a recent incident, Ex Q allegedly beat up his wife in pugilist fashion a fortnight ago in front of his “screaming and pleading” two-year-old son, Trey.
According to a reliable source, Ex Q beat up Irene after she had asked him for her share of proceeds from the sale of the family car, which the dapper rapper is said to have insisted be sold so he could get some capital to start a business.

03. Tambaoga
On one occasion Tambaoga even bit his Ambuya's finger for intervening, Used to beat his wife accusing her of not clima*ing during s*x.

Malawian origin Mbare based dancehall musician Maliakini Saizi, better known as Kinna has joined the list of celebrity women bashers following reports that he beat up his wife, Theodora Chabika, after a domestic dispute on Monday 26 Jan 2015.
Kinnah could neither confirm nor deny the allegations when he was phoned yesterday.
He claimed that the phone was inaudible before cutting off the conversation.
Theodore sustained injuries on her face and a bite mark on the chin–an indication that Kinna might have played a ‘Suarez’ – the popular footballer who was suspended for biting another player – on her.

05. Sharon Macheso

During the late 2014 Sharons Husband Kudakwashe Munetsi was quote "She is the one who has anger issues. When I confronted her about what had happened to the gifts and money we received at our wedding she got so angry that she started shouting and beating me up," he said.

Munetsi told the court that he sought refuge in the bathroom as Sharon was advancing towards him with a hoe handle.

"My wife is not a woman of great stature, but when she is angry she becomes very strong since she is possessed by the spirit of her grandfather," he said. "I was afraid for my life and sought refuge in the bathroom. She took a while banging the door and when she had cooled off a bit that is when I got out of the bathroom."

06.Guspy Warrior

early 2014 During a maintanance brawl, Guspy's second baby mama, indicated Guspy's squabbles with his first wife,  Steff was Quote “He is a Zimdancehall musician and gets $300 or more per show of which he performs every Thursday to Sunday,” said Dzingeni. “I know he has a wife and a child but he is no longer staying with the wife. “I want the money because he told me to move out of our family house and look for a place to rent so I cannot go there.
He gets a lot of money from his shows and I know that because we used to sing together,” Dzingeni said.Dzingeni later reduced the money to $175 after she was told by the magistrate that the money she was claiming was not reasonable since it was for their daughter only.
Manyeruke was not present to respond to the maintenance claim.Magistrate Siwardi gave a default judgment and ordered Manyeruke to pay $120 for the baby’s up keep. She told Dzingeni that there was no sufficient evidence that the singer affords $560 per month.
By Mitchel Chinyani

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