Mhere will not sue Gift because he is protected by Susan? WIFE IN CONTROL

The Mhere reconciliation was too fast,ever wondered why?
Ever wondered why Mhere himself leaked the Chats?

Reconciliation Without pregnancy tests?
without HIV tests?
With technology these days paternity tests can be done long before the baby is born.

Mhere had a lot to loose, a divorce would kill his career instantly.
In the case of divorce the wife would win custody of the kids since Mhere didn't have any evidence. 

its most probable that Mhere will not sue Gift because Susan will continue to protect gift

Mheres wife has everything to win, in divorce or reconciliation,

In Divorce she benefits

Early retirement,
Chance to re explore
Benefit from the rebound effect
She maintains access to family funds and credit, while Mhere has to work and pay
In reconciliation she benefits

More attention
More control over Mhere
mere expensive lifestyle since she cant be seen in public too often,
More men now after her, the press marketed her.

What Mhere had to loose in Divorce

His career.
Half is asserts.
He wold pay child support and social support forever.
not flexible to remarry while she can remarry even the same day.

What Mhere has lost in reconciliation

The wife is now in total control
Peace of mind and happiness
Marital Bliss,he will never enjoy a wife who told a boyfriend what she never told ,
Imagine the thoughts of all the days she denied him his conjugal rights , , , , ,