Jambanja Pahotera as CIO official gets Trapped in Hotel with a married woman

HARARE – A MEMBER of the Central Intelligence Organisation was yesterday rescued by a senior cop after he was trapped in a hotel room with a married woman.

It was a rendition of the late musician Marko Sibanda’s Jambanja Pahotera as there was confusion that only calmed after the arrival of anti-riot police as the woman’s husband demanded that the love birds open the door to their love nest. Gray Mashava had arranged with his lover Maud Mashinya Maningi, 32, who is married to Ezra Maningi to meet him at Harare International Airport at 6pm on Sunday enroute to their love nest at the Meikles Hotel.

Gray was however being trailed by Ezra’s informants who drove behind him and Maud who was driving a Nissan Extrail – registration number ACY 3976. H-Metro has been informed that Gray was coming from South Korea while Maud had lied to her mother and Ezra that she was visiting Masvingo.

Sources close to the family revealed that Maud was tracked from home through to the airport until she was caught holed up in the hotel room when she was supposed to be in Masvingo, as she had told the family. Maud was booked in Room 514 in her name according to hotel records and she drove Gray from the airport to a restaurant in Eastlea.

When H-Metro arrived at the hotel, Ezra was shouting on top of his voice demanding Maud to open the door and hotel security were making efforts to calm him down after guests made a report. “Ndava kutofonera amai vako izvezvi vauye ukasavhura door kuti titaurirane,” Ezra was heard saying.

“Inga ndakabvisa roora wani tikachata wandifungira mweya wakadaro sei kuita chihure chakadaro haunyare vana here Maud,” he fumed as he made a call to Maud’s mother who is based in Norton. H-Metro recorded the conversations and the fracas that lasted for nearly four hours before riot police arrived at the hotel accompanied by one Assistant Commissioner Operations Moyo who rescued Gray.

Ezra is said to have warned Gray on several occasions and the latter ignored, bragging of his position and connections. “Ezra warned Gray on several occasions for sending love messages to Maud and he bragged of his position as a CIO operative. Ezra discovered a message where they agreed to meet on Sunday leading to the trap,” said the source.

Hotel security failed to control the situation leading them to call police who arrived in riot gear. H-Metro witnessed talks between Ass-Comm Moyo and Ezra that led to the release of Gray. Gray left the hotel around 3am on Monday morning, covering his face with a jacket.

He was also escorted by uniformed police officers as riot police followed closely and he sped off in a Ford Ranger (registration ADF 1706).

“What I want is to talk to my wife and nothing else, vandirambidza kupinda muroom maanga ari and they refused to put me on handcuffs so as to make sure I don’t turn violent,” said Ezra.

“I love my wife; we have three children aged seven, five and two. With me here is our Seventh Day pastor and my cousins who came to witness the incident.

“I informed her mother and she told me that Maud also lied to her that she was visiting Masvingo only to find her here with a married man.

“Kutambira murume wemunhu asati atomboudza mudzimai wake kuti akafamba sei? I am now worried of my life since this man is well connected and he showed it by calling a senior police officer to rescue him here,” said Ezra.

Gray refused to entertain H-Metro. “Ndiani, handizirini Mashava,” said Gray hanging the phone. Contacted for comment, Maud promised to furnish H-Metro with details after entertaining other calls. “I will call when I am done with my calls, sorry,” said Maud before hanging her phone.

Maud is a second year student at Morgan Zintech Teachers College. Meikles Hotel general manager identified only as Mujoma referred H-Metro to their spokesperson saying he was not in a position to comment.

“It is better to call our PR department sometime later since the report is still to reach them about what exactly transpired,” said Mujoma.

Efforts to get comment from their PR department proved fruitless until the time of going to print- H-Metro , , , , ,