5 Reasons, Why its hard for Zimbabwean women to get married nowadays.

01.You spend too much time with your male best friend
“Your male friends are wonderful, but they are not marriage material,”

02.You're ignoring your biological clock

Don't put your ambitions for motherhood on hold for your career.
You have a limited window of opportunity within which to find a husband and bear your own children.”
You are not getting any younger,” s “But the women you are competing with to get the men you’re interested in marrying are most certainly getting younger.”

03.You hook up too much

Men lose interest in women that are easier to make than a peanut butter sandwich,

04.You're dating too married guys

For married men, you already know the score. “He’s not leaving his wife for you. And if he would cheat with you, he’ll cheat on you,”. Quit wasting your time with unsuitable men. “Bad boys can be fun to fool around with, and women do have needs, but stay away from thes“Honestly, do you think that you’re at your most attractive when you are drunk, slurring your words and on the verge of puking?” asks Patton. “You’re not, and by drinking to excess, you put yourself at risk. Women who are sloppy drunks are a huge turnoff, as is the smell of puke on your hair.” e pigs for the sake of a little sausage.”

05.You drink too much

“Honestly, do you think that you’re at your most attractive when you are drunk, slurring your words and on the verge of puking?” . “You’re not, and by drinking to excess, you put yourself at risk. Women who are sloppy drunks are a huge turnoff, as is the smell of puke on your hair.”

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