Vice President to meet the people

Phelekezela Mphoko

Bulawayo Bureau
VICE President Phelekezela Mphoko will this weekend conduct a series of meetings in Bulawayo to interact with the people following his appointment to the top national job by President Mugabe last year. Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial secretary for information and publicity Cde Christopher Sibanda said the meetings were open to everyone.

“The Honourable VP will be meeting the people around Bulawayo on the 24th and 25th of January. Zanu-PF Bulawayo Province is cordially inviting everybody from all walks of life and across the political divide to come and congratulate Ambassador Mphoko on his elevation to the position of Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe,” he said.
Cde Sibanda said the VP would kickstart his meeting tomorrow at Davies Hall at 11am and later at Patsika Church in Nkulumane suburb at 4pm. On Sunday, the VP will hold meetings at Masotsha Secondary School in Magwegwe North at 9am and conclude his tour at Mpopoma African Methodist Church (Topiya) at 2pm.

The decorated military strategist who was appointed along with Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa as the country’s two Vice Presidents is also responsible for National healing, Peace and reconciliation.

VP Mphoko is also in charge of the Social Services and Infrastructure and Utilities clusters.

The Vice-President has hit the ground running, interacting with ministers under his portfolio on service delivery.

VP Mphoko has also made a number of donations after his appointment with the most recent one on Sunday where he donated food stuffs worth $7 000 to the families of Zimbabweans who died in an accident in Botswana two weeks ago. Herald , , , , , , ,