January Desease unites Zoey and Bev

Arch rivals Zoey Sifelani and Beverly Sibanda have buried the hatchet amid reports that hard times have given them a rude awakening, making them realise that unity is the way to go.
The two top dancers have  not seen eye to eye after Bev broke away from Zoey’s group seven years ago.
They had vowed never to share the stage and this was followed by physical fights on and off the  stage.
However, on Zoey’s admission, dwindling business has compelled the two to share the stage and form a formidable force.
Beverly Sibanda
In this regard,  they have lined up a string of shows in and out of Harare.
Their first show was at Superlabel night club last night.
On Sunday, the duo will strut their stuff at Club Matute in Mbare before proceeding to Zvishavane.
“Well, of course things are not all that rosy in January so I have to apply every trick in the book to survive including this new combination.
“I have always said I have nothing personal against Bev,” said Zoey, in acknowledgement that business was low.
Beverly, however, refuted submissions that it was hard times that had compelled her to make a dramatic u-turn and decide to share the stage with Zoey.
Speaking through her manager Harpers Mapimhidze, she said: “Combining with Zoey is startegic and does not necessarily mean our business is low.
“In fact, zvinhu zvedu zvirikufaya (we are enjoying brisk business).
“We are fully booked the whole of this month and the only reason we linked up with Zoey is to clash and compete to add spice and value for money to our fans,” said Mapimhidze.
Zoey leads Red Angels while Bev leads the Sexy Angels.
The two dancers once worked together and Bev owes her success to Zoey who groomed her before she broke away from the group amid reports they fought over a boyfriend.

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