13 year old girl who washes clothes to raise school fees

Kenya; fees By Daniel Psirmoi | Updated Sun, January 8th 2017 at 00:00 GMT +3 SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Maureen Mwende, 13 who scored 405 marks in KCPE with her mother Jacitina Katiwa. (Photo: Jenipher Wachie/Standard) A 13-year-old girl who attained 405 marks in last year’s KCPE may be forced to become a house-help if she does not raise Sh61,000 required to join secondary school. Maureen Mwende has received an admission letter to Moi Girls Isinya, but she may not be among Form One students reporting to school next week because of lack of school fees. Mwende, whose single mother Justina Katiwa does house-hold chores for residents of Mlolongo, said she may be forced to join her mother in doing laundry for her neighbours to save enough money to join the school next year.

fees By Daniel Psirmoi | Updated Sun, January 8th 2017 at 00:00 GMT +3 SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Maureen Mwende, 13 who scored 405 marks in KCPE with her mother Jacitina Katiwa. (Photo: Jenipher Wachie/Standard) A 13-year-old girl who attained 405 marks in last year’s KCPE may be forced to become a house-help if she does not raise Sh61,000 required to join secondary school. Maureen Mwende has received an admission letter to Moi Girls Isinya, but she may not be among Form One students reporting to school next week because of lack of school fees. Mwende, whose single mother Justina Katiwa does house-hold chores for residents of Mlolongo, said she may be forced to join her mother in doing laundry for her neighbours to save enough money to join the school next year. “I hope to have saved enough money to enroll in the school next year,” the former pupil of Anthena Academy told The Standard on Sunday. Mwende’s primary education was fully sponsored. “I want to be an engineer when I grow up and assist my poor mother who fends for us by doing menial jobs. I will not forget other children from needy backgrounds,” said Mwende. She needs to raise Sh61,000 to join the national school located in Kajiado County. Ms Katiwa is pleading with well wisher to help her raise the fees and the Sh21,000 her daughter needs to buy personal effects.

“I have nothing at all. I live from hand-to-mouth doing odd jobs. Mwende worked very hard in school, she is the only hope I have,” she said.
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