Makandiwa Faces Arrest

United Family Church Intl leader Emmanuel Makandiwa is set to be arrested, Daily Buzz SA has learnt.
The development comes after the spiritist necromancer was reported to have uttered a “Mugabe replacement prophecy.” saying the 92 year old’s post will be snatched by a diasporan.
Reports circulating say Makandiwa who has for years been walking free from police scrutiny despite a plethora of reported “underhand dealings,” will be hit by a ZRP raid soon. This is once Mugabe plans have sailed through to the state security.
On Friday Makandiwa’s contemporary Walter Magaya was arrested for alleged rape. Analyst, Silus Madondo says “Archbishop Pius Ncube was humiliated because he was a serious critic of ZANU PF government and I also suspect that Prophet Magaya may be in hot soup because he criticized the ‘bond notes’ and/or his ambitious house project”.
As of last week, plans to thumb Makandiwa had already surfaced with government clergyman, Johannes Ndanga, attacking Makandiwa on the subject of bond notes.
“The man (Makandiwa) that refused the bond notes clearly stated that he doesn’t trust the Reserve Bank Governor (Dr John Mangudya) even if what he has planned makes sense,” Ndanga said.
He continued,
“I said it myself, therefore the bond notes are good. If you want to see that the bond notes are good, our country has vast mineral reserves that back up our currency. We’ve huge gold reserves mined by makorokoza and established mines that are bringing in foreign currency.
So why are you saying the bond notes cannot be sustained? Why don’t we have our own currency that works in Zimbabwe while things are being fixed? On behalf of VaPostori, we want those bond notes.”
Ndanga urged Zimbabweans to accept bond notes while as he claimed, challenges in the country are being fixed.
Sources told Daily Buzz SA following the nabbing of Walter Magaya on Friday, Makandiwa will be pounced on. “It is now a matter of time, Makandiwa is now on the police radar, ” they said. Daily Buzz SA
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