The government and Businessmen often treat workers as inferior, powerless people and often do not pay or delay paying them. Politicians treat citizens as though they belong to them. They belong to God. They are beaten, raped, intimidated, shouted at, and even murdered.Because of this many politicians have died of HIV, assassination, sudden diseases, and even being struck down by God. It is time for this to finish. Nicholson and Weinberg were two Rhodesian types struck down by God. Why should you suffer the same judgement? Obey God. Love your people. Save your life and your country. Love your citizens and God will bless you and the nation. In hell there will be no concubines, but you will crave them. There will be no one to abuse, but you will seek them. There will be no money, no comforts and you will be lonely forever. In your darkness, you will curse those who asked you to commit crimes against God. You will even curse God and the devil but all your fellow hellish citizens are doing the same and they have no time to listen to your bitter screaming. You weep, scream and gnash your teeth alone. Save yourself. save your community. Love your people for God has placed them in your hand.
Zimbabwe is Supposed to be a Christian Nation but it has the worst morals, therefore HIV and AIDS…and persons perish in death. This is the judgement of God. People are selfish. Husbands want to dominate wives instead of loving them, building them up and serving them. Wives want to pressurize and manipulate and punish their husbands, therefore there are divorces, women in poverty, children without love, children without fatherly guidance and discipline, ….  a judgement of God.
The community is divided. The community fears man. The community puts the party before God. When a nation puts a party before God, the nation will experience the judgement of God. … and the party members who want people to serve them before they serve God will experience the smite of by God. Some people have money. They also have political power. They are possessed by hubris, the feeling of being God-like. The feeling that you have the power of life and death in your hands. The feeling of having prosperity and poverty in your hands, The feeling of being untouchable. the feeling of being above normal people. The feeling that God and spirits are going to act for you no matter what you do. untouchable. .. they get aids, they eat too much. they get angry. they have heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, and they die and early death, a judgement of God.

Here is a List of Prophecies on Zimbabwe over the years
On 5/18/2004 at 1:30pm, Rev. Hansen received this prophecy for Zimbabwe:

"Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, you man of war. You have shed the blood of the innocent since your conception; now I will shed your blood. You have lied to the world since your beginning of freedom and liberty, yet you oppress the poor and innocent. You want an eye for an eye, yet you cannot see nor discern justice; you want what really is not yours. It matters not what Government has ruled past or present; the truth is lies have continually been spoken to disguise the truth of your treachery. You are a barbaric nation filled with rebellion, voodoo and witchcraft. Yes, blood has been shed and blood has been baptized in, yet you will swim and drown in your own sorrow and blood that you have created and wished upon the poor, deprived and innocent. Your power will be overthrown and a genesis of salvation will temporarily come............Source http://worldministries.org/zimbabwe.html

via Prophecy – The Zimbabwean 17 December 2015 by Magari Mandebvu
We have all known that we were heading for the chaos we are in now. I said it often enough, and you don’t need to be an anointed prophet to see that far into the future. Ordinary common sense tells us the main outlines when really significant obstacles lie ahead.If you read Biblical prophets like Jeremiah you’ll find that when he talks about political events, he’s only using that kind of common sense. What makes his message important is that he tells a corrupt king and his court what God wanted them to do in the impending situation. If they had followed his advice, they’d have been safe, but they proved deaf so Judah suffered massacre, destruction and exile..............Sourchttp://www.zimbabwesituation.com/news/zimsit-m-prophecy-the-zimbabwean/
1 January 2015 Malawian prophet, Austin Liabunya, prophesied death of President Robert Mugabe, supposed to have happened in the same year but the prophecy was false obviously.
January 2016 Popular Bulawayo self-styled prophet, Blessing Chiza has predicted that Zimbabwe will have its first female President and bloodshed, as part of a flurry of prophecies by various preachers ahead of the beginning of 2016.

LEADER of Believers Loveworld Incorporated, which is popularly known as Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has declared that Zimbabwe is a special country and a miracle, adding that the nation must refuse to be poor.
The Nigerian minister released the prophetic words during the all night vigil that was held on January 22 in South Africa’s 90 000 seater FNB stadium where thousands of people congregated.
“Zimbabwe, you are a miracle! You are a land locked country, but you are not God locked. God has heard your prayers, refuse to be poor. God said, you are a miracle. It’s your time!” declared Pastor Chris.
“Zimbabwe, I sent Pastor Ose, I was on your max; I sent Rev Tom, I was on set… Now God is about to say go, prepare, am coming.
TB Joshua"Good morning, people of Zimbabwe. Our attention has been drawn to false rumours spread by the father of lies currently being circulated around Zimbabwe. The reward of liars is destruction.
Prophet T.B. Joshua can NEVER and he will NEVER give such a message because our God is not the God of confusion. We should be very careful not to touch an anointed man of God and lie against him."
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