Bulawayo MP Becomes Magaya's Usher

BULAWAYO Central Member of Parliament Mrs Dorcas Sibanda was among the ushers at the W Magaya headed Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries all night prayer session in toward end of Last annum.

The all night that attracted tens of thousands of worshipers from all over Zimbabwe and surounding countries, also had in attendence ministers, MPs, chiefs, dignitaries from everywhere. The Minister of Information, Media, Broadcasting Services, Cde Chrir Mushohwe, Minister of Info Com Tech, Postal and Courier Services, Supa Mandiwanzira; Mashonaland Central Provincial Affairs Minister M Dinha as well as deputy ministers A Ndlovu, Abigail Damasane and Paul Mavhima, were among those who attended.

Named “Turn Around Four”, this all night prayer, which is now an yearly event on the church calendar, drew followers from as further as Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana, Ethiopia, England and Aussy among many other countries.

Sibanda, a new member of PHD , spent all night on her feet ushering visitors who thronged the church in Waterfalls suburb. The MP told The Press that she offered voluntarily to be part of the ushers team reason being that she is proud to be part of PHD Ministries.

The MP said she was gratefull that her fellow politicians and pals believed in the power of Prophet Magaya’s anointing oil. ,