Jilted girlfriend demands $600 from ex-lover for damages

AN intimate relationship between a “couple” in Bulawayo ended in a dramatic manner when the woman allegedly demanded $600 in damages apparently for the s.fexual favours she had given her ex-lover over the time they were in love.
 Moreblessing Merejara (pictured above) started demanding the money from her ex-lover Victor Nyasha Tangwena, a police officer based at ZRP Support Unit Fairbridge allegedly as compensation for the comfort and love he enjoyed from her during the subsistence of their relationship.
The two lovebirds’ relationship fizzled out after Merejara allegedly suffered a s.exually transmitted infection.
Merejara, in a desperate bid to force her ex-lover to bow down to her monetary demands, allegedly threatened him with unspecified action which would cause him to lose his job.

A troubled Tangwena claimed that Merejara was emotionally and psychologically abusing him with her excessive demands.
“I am the applicant in this matter. The respondent (Moreblessing Merejara) and I had been in a relationship and we separated on 21 September 2015. After the separation the respondent is always verbally,emotionally and psychologically abusing me, the latest being on 18 October when she demanded that I pay her $600 as compensation for
separating with her.
“As if that is not enough, she threatened to get me fired from work if I didn’t meet her demands. The respondent during our relationship was diagnosed with an STI which saw her developing some warts on her g.enitals and that automatically led to our separation. I want this court to bar her from verbally, emotionally and psychologically abusing me with her demands,” said Tangwena.
In response Merejara, however, refuted Tangwena’s claims.
“I am not in agreement with what he is saying. I never said anything of the $600 he is talking about and also never threatened him saying he will be fired from work if he failed to give me the money in question. I
only phoned his parents asking them of their position on our relationship,” she said.
Presiding magistrate Evylene Mashavakure in her ruling, however, ordered Merejara not to verbally, emotionally and psychologically abuse her ex-lover.
Source-B metro