Church proceedings came to a halt when controversial Pastor Paul Sanyangore prayed for condoms during a service. Several women stampeded to have a box of the 'anointed' condoms for use in their homes. This left tongues wagging in the church with some questioning the moral element of having condoms in church.
Sanyangore said he did not bring the condoms but a congregant brought them asking if it was proper for her to use them.
"I prophesied to a certain woman that her husband would return two years after his mysterious disappearance. I am not sure but during the week, the husband called her telling her he would come back home. She came to church and during prayer time, she took them (condoms) out and handed them to my assistant asking if they were okay to use when her husband returns," he said.
The man of cloth added, "I saw nothing wrong in her using them with her husband after two years of absence. Who knows what he was doing there so it is better to be safe. When I prayed for the condoms, some women came out and wanted to have them."
Most churches in the country are skeptical about such issues and the pastor says its high time such issues be incorporated into churches .
Sanyangore famed for several miracles is on record saying God heals any diseases and the condom gospel puts him on the spotlight.
"God heals and protects but people should always be on the lookout. A woman comes to church but the husband doesn't and some of them vanoita chipfambi zvekuti mukadzi ndiye anokwara. HIV is a reality which we should all be aware of. We preach but some do not repent," he said.
"Communication is what we preach in our church, husbands and wives should communicate about these things because people are dying. Let us empower the women and not beat them because she has suggested to use protection," he said.
"To those who are not married abstinence is the key. Most people think condoms are a ticket for sleeping around but that is not it. Its is actually wisdom from God for one to invent the condom," he said.
With reports that Sanyangore has opened guest houses, the preacher dismissed its link with the condom issue.
"We have a prayer house, we call it our spiritual clinic, and we usually help men who have challenges in the bedroom. This has nothing to do with condoms. We have had this prayer house for a long time and we call it Eden House," he said.
The preacher is known for several and controversial miracles such as resurrection miracles, miracle money and oil among others. A number of celebrities have also frequented his church for spiritual services.