Jonathan Moyo Faces Zanu-PF Disciplinary Action.

ZANU-PF politburo member and Higher and Tertiary Education minister Jonathan Moyo faces disciplinary action for his continued use of social media platforms to attack fellow party members in defiance of a directive by President Robert Mugabe barring members from doing so.

Moyo has of late been very active on Twitter, rebuking senior party members, and at times breaking diplomatic etiquette by attacking high ranking officials from other countries. His most high profile Twitter victim has been Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Jonathan Moyo Faces Zanu-PF Disciplinary Action.
He rebuked Mnangagwa over his utterances in an interview with London-based NewAfrican magazine last week, where he insinuated that Zimbabwe will miss Mugabe.

Zanu-PF spokesperson, Simon Khaya Moyo yesterday said such actions were wrong and subject to disciplinary measures.
"Once the President has said stop it, he has said so… there is no need for anyone to defy that," Khaya Moyo said.

"Although the VP [Mnangagwa] might be wrong, culturally, to talk about a post Mugabe era, Comrade Moyo is wrong to rebuke the VP on twitter," a Zanu-PF insider said yesterday.

"Why should he use Twitter to undermine what the VP said?

"Even if he does not agree with what he said he should use the politburo or even approach him to raise his concerns as opposed to be posting it on Twitter."

Mugabe in his address to the Zanu-PF Central Committee recently ordered his comrades to stay off social media.
Source - Newsday
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