MAGAYA, Masturbating woman

A woman who used to masturbate four times a day has stopped after she sought help from Prophet Walter Magaya.

The woman only identified as Chipo confessed that she started masturbating, what My Zimbabwe News team usually refers to as 'ndega ndonaka' or onesome, when she was 15. She was so addicted to it that she continued even after marriage.

She liked using roll on containers. "She attended the Sunday service on the 15th of February 2015 and as the Lord had it that day He instructed His Servant Prophet W. Magaya to command the spirit of masturbation out.

"As Prophet W. Magaya was conducting Voice Anointing the evil spirit that was causing masturbation was provoked into manifestation not only in her but hundreds that were possessed by the spirit.

"She received her total deliverance and the urge left her and she has never felt it to date. She is now a normal woman with feelings for her husband. We thank God Almighty for equipping His Servant’s voice with tremendous power to heal and deliver without any physical contact."

This is not the first time that a member of Prophet Magaya's church has confessed to excessive masturbation.

A 39-year-old Masvingo woman, Leticia Gavare, gave testimony during Prophet Magaya's service last year in August and  disclosed that her marriage broke down because of her excessive indulgence in "pleasuring herself".

Leticia revealed that she used to do the 'ndega ndonaka' or 'onesome' sometimes as much as ten times on a single day, adding that then, before deliverance she actually preferred it to bedding her husband. More on Married woman mast*rbates 10 times everyday (PHOTO) , , ,