Zimbabwe over-regulated, Municipal Police now clamping Vendor Carts,


Now Harare Metropolitan Police is clamping Vendor Carts,
Such Heartlessness, such cruelty,worse than the devil himself, Most of these guys vakaendeswa kuchikoro nemusika now they have jobs thy have forgot the struggle, UNORWADZIWA NEI PAMUNHU AKUZVITSVAGIRA KAMARI KUTI ARARAMISE MHURI? Do you want them to die?
Zimbabwe ndeyedu tese, haisi yababa vako, This is too much Zimbabwe is too regulated, License for everything you  harass prostitutes, Honestly all this manpower and money could have been of use in Developing the nation,

Now there is a Talk of Developing a new capital City,We want running clean safe water in our houses, A new City is nothing when we are Hungry, We are humans we have feelings too! We have kids to fend for too! Lets us not be selfish,if you grab everything then what?

Demolitions of houses, Vendor Harassing, But what are you doing to solve community problems? This is real life for some of us, its not like some grudge primary school game,
Dr Clarence ( Citizen Journalist)
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