What started as a good day for the Chibvunza family turned tragic when Tapiwa (28) was murdered while coming from the Harare International Airport to welcome President Robert Mugabe.
“Tainetsana nemahwindi tichiti takupai mari yenyu yakakwana pata hire kombi saka munofanira kutisiya kumba. Pavakaramba izvo takati saka chitipai imwe mari, ndipo vakavharira Tapiwa mumota ndokutanga kumurova (We had a dispute with touts, with us telling them that we had given them all their money for the hired kombi so they must drop as at our homes. They refused and when we demanded some money back, that is when they detained Tapiwa in their commuter bus and assaulted him,” said Tapiwa’s friend.
After the assault, Tapiwa’s body was allegedly dragged and dumped by the road side.
The Urban Transporters Association of Zimbabwe chairperson, Mr Wilbert Zhakata distanced itself from such criminal acts by people who are expected to know how to work with the public.
Meanwhile, Harare South legislator, Cde Shadreck Mashayamombe said it is high time the government seriously considers phasing out kombis.
“Dai makombi abviswa zvawo zvachose nekuti apedza vanhu (Commuter buses must be phased out for ood because they have claimed many lives,” he said.
Tapiwa leaves behind his wife, Mary Tsomondo and a 5-month old baby.
Burial arrangements will be announced in due course.ZBC Crime , death , kombi , murder , zanu pf