Amai mugabe returns fit and well

The First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe is back in the country after undergoing minor surgery in the Far East.

She arrived at the Harare International Airport Sunday morning accompanied by President Robert Mugabe.

Thousands of Zanu PF supporters thronged the airport to welcome Dr Mugabe who returned home after undergoing surgical procedure to remove the appendix.

The First Lady commended thousands of supporters who came to welcome her and she urged women to work hard despite any challenges for the economic development of the nation.

Amai Mugabe told the supporters of her medical history saying the latest surgery is the third one after undergoing the first one in 1986 where she had surgery to remove tonsils and the second one in 1996 when she had a gall bladder surgery.

She, however, said despite all these minor surgeries she is as fit as ever.

Meanwhile, Zanu PF Secretary for Youths Affairs in the politburo Cde Pupurai Togarepi took a swipe at some media houses and journalists who peddle lies about the health of the First Lady.

He said it is unfortunate that journalists are abusing their freedom and peddle falsehoods against the First Family.

The First Lady and the President were welcomed by Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of the Senate Cde Edna Madzongwe, Defence Minister Dr Sydney Sekeramayi, ministers Simon Khaya Moyo, Miriam Chikukwa, Oppah Muchinguri, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and service chiefs. ZBC
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