1. Can’t Handle the Guilt

The cheater, realizing what he or she is doing is wrong, becomes so consumed with guilt that he or she wants to get caught because they can’t handle it anymore. The cheater may not know how to tell his or her mate about the affair, but will readily confess, if caught.

2. Doesn't Know How to End the Affair

The cheater may have been inadvertently drawn into infidelity without really intending to cheat on his or her mate. Realizing their mistake, the cheater wants to end the affair but doesn’t know how. The cheater knows that getting caught by you means the affair will definitely have to end.

3. To Call Attention to Problems in the Relationship

Sometimes a cheater want to get caught in order to call his partner’s attention to problems in their relationship. He or she may not know how to verbally express exactly what is wrong. Or the cheater may have tried to point out the problem, and their mate ignored the complaint, or failed to take it seriously. So as a last resort, the cheater does something drastic like cheating and getting caught, forcing the two of you to see a marriage or couples counselor to address the real issues behind the affair...

4. Revenge Cheating or Retaliatory Affairs
Maybe she was revenging the 2013 Mhere Mitchelle Jowa $30 Love Saga

Some people engage in revenge cheating or retaliatory affairs to repay a spouse or significant other for cheating on them. It’s the cheater’s way of evening the score. The majority of cheaters who do this are usually women. Most men would rather end the relationship than play emotional games. But sometimes men have revenge affairs, too. When a cheater goes out of his or her way to have a retaliatory affair, it’s almost imperative for the cheater to get caught.

5. To End the Marriage or Relationship

At times a cheater will engage in what marriage counselors call an “exit affair.” The cheater wants out of the marriage or relationship, but doesn’t want to be the one to pull the plug. Knowing that infidelity is a deal breaker for his or her mate, the cheater takes the coward’s way out. The cheater leaves enough clues to make certain of getting caught, thus forcing his or her mate to call it quits. The cheater may be in love with his or her affair partner, and wants to get a divorce to be with that person. Or it may not be about the affair partner at all. The cheater may simply want to be free.

Conclusion, One probability is, Mhere's wife had problems with Mhere and told Gift as a family friend. Its unfortunate Gift manipulated Mhere's wife by becoming the man Mhere's wife wanted his husband to be, buy giving him what he should have communicated to Mhere as a friend,ITS BETRAYAL,
Women are weak its easy to manipulate them, read 25 REASONS WHY WOMEN EASILY FALL INTO THE CHEATING TRAP , , ,