President Blasts Didymus Mutasa

President Mugabe addresses party supporters on arrival from his annual vacation at Harare International Airport yesterday

Tendai Mugabe Senior Reporter—
PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday slammed former Zanu-PF secretary for administration Cde Didymus Mutasa, describing him as a “stupid fool” that cannot be corrected. Addressing a bumper crowd of Zanu-PF supporters soon after his arrival at the Harare International Airport from his annual leave in the Far East, President Mugabe said there was nothing that Zanu-PF could do to a “stray gray ass” like Cde Mutasa.

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President Mugabe’s remarks come in the wake of an attempt by Cde Mutasa to have the courts nullify the outcome of the 6th National People’s Congress.
The Congress confirmed the dumping of Cde Mutasa and the entire putschist cabal of former Vice President Dr Joice Mujuru that sought to unseat and even assassinate President Mugabe.
In his futile bid Cde Mutasa, who was part of the team that organised the Congress, wrote to South African President Jacob Zuma, Sadc and the African Union making wild claims that the Congress was held in an unconstitutional manner and was, therefore, a nullity.
“A stupid fool cannot be corrected,” President Mugabe said. “Dhongi rinenge rarasika rinokuma, rokuma so there is nothing that we can do to a stray braying ass riri kukuma zvaro riri kokoko . . .
“We have no time for individuals of little brains – disorganised mentally, deranged, if not close to being insane,” the President said to applause from the crowd.
President Mugabe, who referred to Cde Mutasa as “Gamatox”, said the former secretary for administration and Cabinet Minister, erred by exporting internal party issues to the region and the continent at large.
He said it was absurd that Cde Mutasa who once oversaw the country’s intelligence department did not know that foreigners did not have business in internal party issues.
“Mabato edu anotibatanidza, Sadc, Comesa and African Union are organisations not for individuals but member states,” he said.
“Naizvozvo Gamatox kana avhiringika achifunga kuti nyaya dzeZanu-PF dzinoyambutswa dzoenda kuSadc kana uko vanhu vanoti ‘asi munhu uyo ibenzi kani?’
“Nyika ndiyo inouya nezvichemo zvayo and not individuals. So these organisations are not organisations of membership of individuals. It is a membership of countries, of nations. Ndozvazviri. Ndozvakaita kana United Nations. Isu munyika medu tisu tine the people’s party, saka nyaya dzeZanu-PF dzinotongwa kuZanu-PF. Kana ani wekunze achipindira tinomuti hamba hatikuzive ndiwe ani?

President Mugabe said Cde Mutasa was ungrateful to the party and Government, which uplifted him to the position of secretary for Administration and Cabinet minister.
He said although Cde Mutasa was part of the team that organised Congress he absented himself from the event at the last minute.
President Mugabe said Cde Mutasa later phoned claiming that he was in South Africa receiving treatment.
“Hameno kuti chakapinda iye wamunoti Gamatox iyeyu chingave chii. Ndotarira shure kuedza kwatakaita kumbovaisa kuvapa basa repamusorosoro, kuvaisa muOffice yaPresident tichironga Congress navo zvakanaka wozonzvenga musi weCongress? Hatina kuziva kuti vaenda kupi?
“We just heard him saying he was ill and was now in South Africa. Ndozvinosiitwa izvozvo?
“Ko urikutiza? Ko chauri kutiza chii murume mukuru? Kunyorera vana (Jacob) Zuma, Zuma anozivira kupi zveZanu-PF?
“Ndangariro, asi twuya twunonzi twepfungwa dzinenge dzapazika twange twavabata here? Ndangariro dzange dzaenda here? Handizvinzwisisi kuti murume watagara naye ari pamusoro, ari muOffice yaPresident achibata intelligence and security angaita pfungwa yekusaziva kuti zvese zviito zvemusangano ndezvemusangano. Anenge achiti atadzirwa nzira iripo yekumhan’ara mumusangano. Hauchada iwe kutevera nzira yemusangano?
“KwaMakoni vovhota kuti vanoenda kuCentral Committee ndevapi waruza iwe, party yaruza? ‘Party yaruza huyai mundibatsire’. Zvinonzi “we” zipepa racho. ‘We’, vanani? Vadureka! Zvekunyeba!’
The President, however, said Zanu-PF was a big institution and could not be distracted by opportunistic individuals pursuing selfish interests.
“Anyway, let’s continue with our work. Vakanzi imi ibvai imi muzvigaro havana kunzi imi hamusisiri nhengo dzemuparty,” he said.
“Vakatandaniswa sa(Rugare) Gumbo and (Jabulani) Sibanda ndovatakatanda so far. Ndovane mazita akauya kuPolitburo tikati ngavabve. Vamwe kana paine marecommendations auya tichagara pasi. What I want to say is that those who were suspended are still party members, let them join others. Vatinoti ava hatichavada kumusangano tichange tichikuudzai.”
Cde Mutasa was even under fire from the supporters who welcomed the President.
The supporters were waving placards denouncing the disgraced former secretary for administration.
Some of the placards were inscribed “Expel Mutasa”, Mutasa the accuser, “Mutasa the accused”, “Mutasa haana kuti tasa”, “Dehorn that stray buffalo”, ‘’Zvikoni zvikoni dhiziri haribude padombo’’ and “Mutasa a hypocrite”.
The crowd was also chanting slogans denouncing Mutasa saying he distributed farms to his relatives and girlfriends.
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