Harare woman goes mad, Passersby interested in taking pictures not helpping

Arron Nyamayaro and Mirirai Msingo HMetro

EXPERTS have described the woman who soaked herself in the Africa Unit Square pools on monday as a sign of mental illness adding that this could happen to anyone. Zimbabwe National Association for Mental Health director Ignius Murambinda bemoaned the society's attitude towards mental illness adding that Stigmatization is very high,its unfortunate that people make fun and dramatize such incidents yet no one takes his/her time to understand what could be happening to the individual, People usually get carried away by the unusual drama and are more interested in taking pictures than helping the individual.

Cause of mental illness vary from genetics,depression,alcoholism. mental retardation to accidents.

This woman could have been under depression for a very long time until she could not take it anymore,
 The woman started making $exual dances, moves and passers by jostled to record all the action with their mobile phones. The unidentified woman was seen with her hand bag and and mobile phone in the park before she jumped into the water. Her shoes and handbag could not be located afterwards, She threatened to beat up police officers who tries to take her. She was seen earlier  along Angwa Street making the same antics whiles singing Zimdancehall songs. , , ,