Zimbabwe Dancers association boss is Mr Hapaguti Mapimhidzwe is Bev's manager,what if he is the one killing all possible Bev rivals, this is not the first time Mr Hapaz you have persecuted many innocent dancers, as you sow one day you shall reap, these people have families and mothers to take care of, i will not smile to anyone persecuting a woman, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, husbands leave women to take care of their children alone,
http://africanspotlight.com/ wrote The public was okay with what was happening but it was not good for the image of the club and they removed them from the stage but it was not easy,” the source continued.
Chantel is a hero who preached Protected sex, can Betty enter a club and preach the same message?
Can we arrest someone for love at first sight? Mr Hapaguti Mapimhidzwe of Dancers Association why do you expect the girl to join your association? what if she is not a dancer but an actress? what if it was a musical performance?
If you dont like such acts why dont you go to mabhawa ekanzuru?
Sex aint a big deal as Africans take it, did she really have sex on stage did anyone really saw the womanhood being entered? She was arrested because she is not supposed to engage members of the audience on stage. not for the sex part, The police had to at least find a charge but the main reason she was arrested is because of mob psychology, "Butthurt People" People who are easily offended and react in an overly dramatic fashion, she was arrested just to please butthurt people,
Did she really engage a member of the audience? No she didn't, he was his boyfriend, they had only met a few seconds ago, What if is it was just a stunt, we wont know because prosecutors always convince you to plead guilty in return for a lesser sentence, Maybe she asked for the condom just to cause a stir, and the sex part might not have happened, and even if it happened so what? A Club is not public, its private, that's why no under 21s are allowed inside, let people do what they please as long as they are not violating your own fundamental rights, isn't it people paid to get into the club, they paid for a stage act and the got it, why don't movie stars get arrested for sex scenes, Zimbabweans are just over-reactive and easily "butthurt"
Its a pity that we put our energy on things that dont improve our economy, Mr police if you are so intrested in making arrests why dont you arrest corrupt government officials? why don't you arrest local governments for abusing funds and not repairing our roads, council workers are going for years without salaries do something and stop wasting the nations resources on petty personal issues!!!
Serve Justice, if you are gonna arrest Chantel then arrest Bev also, since she had sex with a bottle, Justice means equal treatment and judgement, Beverly had oral sex with a bottle, and Arrest the officer in Bevs Pacific video for abusing my countries beautiful police uniform
Some people see the glass half full, some people see it half empty but hey there int even a glass, Beverly Sibanda never nearly escaped jail term, they where all publicity stunts, abusing state press and resources
....Dr Clarence without fear
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