American Rapper Kanye West Mental Health Takes A Nose Dive As He Begs Zuckerberg for Money

Fear has gripped fans as West’s mental health has taken a nosedive. Recently antics have set ablaze the Social Networks a couple of times: Twitter beefs & rants, the haphazard Bill Cosby declaration of innocence, the twice-changed album name (which was subsequently finalized as The Life of Pablo), publicly begging billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for cash—just to name a handful of instances—all fragments of seemingly random and at times un-calculated behavior.

But with the timing of these Dramas, All coming together just before Kanye West’s (unofficial) album release, one has to wonder if these acts are actually not random and in fact very carefully calculated. To this question, it can be said that before the crate-and-megaphone approach West has taken to the public that the buzz surrounding The Life of Pablo wasn’t nearly as big until his public displays of explainable behavior started flooding media headlines. But now the attention surrounding this album has successfully reached nearly immeasurable proportions.

Is what we’re witnessing from Kanye an unfortunate 2011 Charlie Sheen-esque series of mental brouhaha fit for an “SNL” comedy segment? Or is he exploiting the fact that much of the public is aware of his inner struggles, shamelessly utilizing this as a platform for a warped, caricature of a marketing campaign?

The world may never know. But discussion has been circulating about the psychological instability of ‘Ye since his mother passed away back in 2007 — he even directly addressed both suicide and his depression on his 2012 song “Clique.” Additionally, Rhymefest, long time collaborator of Kanye, recently expressed concern for the mental health of his cohort.

“My brother needs help in the form of counseling,” Rhymefest responded to a Twitter comment er. “Spiritual and mental. He should step away from the public and ‘yesmen’ and heal.”

Yeezy would probably never admit to needing any kind of intervention — if any is needed. And such is the case for countless individuals suffering from mental illness today… primarily those in minority communities. , ,