BREAKING NEWS; Vybez Kartel found dead,

Receiving reports from Kingston, Jamaica That the dancehall icon Vybez Kartel was announced dead a few hours ago.
Inside reports are saying he was found hanging in his Jail cell. He was hanging on a rope made from knotted strips cut off bed sheets.
BREAKING NEWS; Vybez Kartel found dead,
Vybez Katel 2016

This information came from a Jamaican Police insider. It is said alarm was raised and Kartel was rushed to a hospital but it was to late, The Doctors couldn't save him.
Vybez Katel 2016

Stay posted as The Vybez Kartel story unfolds, we will be the first to inform you. This story is based on unconfirmed rumors. We will keep you posted on new developments. , , ,