CONTROVERSIAL.;Prophet Magaya 'Encourages Prostitution Within Marriages

Prophet Walter Magaya says every wife must be a hooker in bed to keep their husbands.
The Prophet told women gathered for a Ladies Night that :”S.ex is like a salary, everyone thinks it’s better elsewhere when in actual fact it is not. The reason why your husband has fallen for that other woman is not because she is better than you but because she is wiser than you. She ensures that she treats him like a king. You should make your husband feel like he is the best. Never make him feel belittled. Every woman must be a prostitute in her bedroom.

Magaya added :”Prostitutes walk naked unlike what you do. You need to understand the art that will bring him back home, be naked. You need to have wisdom of attracting the man back. Quit the habit of wearing jerseys to bed. You also have to dress up and apply your lotion in front of your husband not hiding like what you do. Men are attracted by the smallest things hence you need to be careful on how you handle him.
Be A Prostitute If You Want To Keep Your Husband Says Prophet W. Magaya
It is your duty to describe last night and exalt what he might have done well and forget about what he did wrong. You are not bringing him back to you, hence he eventually loses interest in you. He is living in a world full of pressure and all he wants from you is love of which love is not s.ex, s.ex is only a celebration of love. Prostitutes ensure they recall their clients’ names and that makes the clients to feel loved.

You should always make sure you pass positive comments about your experience with him. The challenge you have is that you are complaining machines and never have anything good to say. Your change should not be abrupt but you have to take it bit by bit until you reach a level where you satisfy him.
Show your spouse that you care by caring a lot even on the smallest things that relate to him. Prostitutes register in men’s minds that they cannot do without them even if they are lying and that is what makes them loyal to them. Your problem is that you ask for money from your husband when what you should do is praise him and the money will come. Do not major on the monetary issues.

We make our husbands feel belittled. If you are still single do not sleep with him because when you do he gains value whilst you lose value. You need to create the principles because every man is principled you need to make your husband feel like your life depends on him not the “I don’t care” attitude you have. You need to programme in his head that if he leaves you then you are dead.

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