Mai Chisamba,I made my husband look after a child not his. Now the real father has returned and making threats of exposing me

  • I was mad and furious and I then tricked some other man who accepted the responsibility. Since then he took care of me and the kid.
  • In a twist of events, my child’s true biological father hunted me to my current home. He threatened saying I have two options,
    I was mad and furious and I then tricked some other man who accepted the responsibility. Since then he took care of me and the kid. In a twist of events, my child’s true biological father hunted me to my current home. He threatened saying I have two options,

How are you Mai Chisamba, Thanx for your show, it is teaching us & we are knowing lot. My story is far devastating compared to some stories that you have helped. Year 2013 I was impregnated but the guy responsible refused was his, he didn't not want to hear anything of pregnancy.

I was mad and furious and I then tricked some other man who accepted the responsibility. Since then he took care of me and the kid.

In a twist of events, my child’s true biological father hunted me to my current home. He threatened saying I have two options, Either we reunite or he will bewitch the child since the child has his blood.
This child centering all this is a cute baby boy born 2014. The child has bonded well with the 2nd man even though we aren't married.

I didn't even tell the biological father that my kid has a birth-certificate already. I am vexed in confusion, I don't have a clue where to begin, how do I tell this man who has always been there for us? I haven't notified even a single person because of fear. Please assist.

Reply Thanx for being on my column. Im pleased that it has taught you a lot, few of the lessons to be obtained in this column will be actual to your and other persons. I'll be very downright to you, You doing is mercilessness and evil ato its last degree.

Speaking of an innocent child, looking up to mom his role model, please do not destroy him at such a tender age. Day 1 Mr A is papa tomorrow things change and day 2 Mr B becomes papa, what on earth are you attempting to accomplish?

Tricking a man knowing you are already fertilized truly knowing, that it is not his is atrocious to say the least. You is an extremely self-loving, self-centered lady.

When you performed all these games, all you desired to was saving your name.

What about this guy’s emotions, what about his family & the joy they experienced when they were told about the boy’s birth? Do you think even the real father will be pleased when he hears all this?
Do you see any of these two guys wanting to be connected with a person like you later on ? It is a very little world, your son may not know what is going on now because of his age but achazvinzwa chete akura.

I do not see what your aim was when you strategised all this because even the guy you set up did not marry you although he stood by your side all the way. You can never lead a normal life with such a guilty conscience.

My advice is for you to press rewind and begin where it all started. You have to tell the guy you set up the truth, but you can not be trusted either, possibly you do not know who the real father is.

The best is to take the child for DNA tests and establish the truth. Zvechivanhu zviri kutaurwa could be just an arm twisting tactic. Clear your conscience even if it means losing both guys.

The real father wants you back ko vakambenge vaendepi? What a coward, he ran away when the going was tough, now the playground is level he is in love with you again. Be cautious you may end up with a second unexpected baby.

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