TRUE LOVE STORY; Prison Guard Marries First Degree Murder Prisoner

This is either a True love story or an act of being desperate for s.ex, Shocking; Prison Guard Marries First Degree Murder Prisoner 

  • The marriage officer had to wed them in the prison dining hall.
  • The 31 year old prisoner Jackie is serving 15 years for murder
  • Pair usually have s.ex in the prison kitchen

As prisoners numbers have risen during the course of time. Thanks to ZImbabwe laws against gender discrimination, females now have a stronger foothold in the countries industries and professional world. This gave women jobs like this female Prison Guard Sandra Chidzononga age 39.

But everything has consequences, s.ex between guards and prisoners has been recently on the rise. Sandra Chidzononga was once cautioned by the magistrate on six counts of s.exual contact with an prisoner, each punishable by up to three years. This should not shock us because there is no law or regulation that a prisoner can not be allowed to marry anyone. The s.ex issue has happened a lot of incidences, this was confirmed by our talk with other prisoners.

We probably shouldn't be too shocked, though. There is no rule, regulation, or state of affairs a savvy prisoner cannot subvert. This has been proven many times over and is confirmed when you talk to long-time inmates.

"I love when I come a fresh, young, and beautifull female working in prison," said a prisoner at an undisclosed prison to protect identities.
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