PASTORS DO NOT WANT YOU TO READ THIS; 5 Things your Pastor will never tell you

If a person did not take his schooling seriously and didn't read they will fail their exams, the Pastor will tell them its Demons. A girl is promiscuous, she catches diseases transmitted by intercourse, the pastor will tell them its demons. If a person has not been working hard at his workplace and is not getting a promotion the pastor will say "Its demons"

Pastors threaten people that they can never be happy without church, That if they leave they will be cursed. They really convince members that they can't lead moral or happy lives without the church. And it ACTUALLY WORKS. We've known people who have seemed genuinely shocked when they found out that we were happy and financially successful after we left the church.

Below are things your Pastor will Never tell you

01.I have a life when I’m not at church: And it’s actually pretty important to me. Just like you have family, friends, and hobbies I do as well. Even though the church is really important to me, my life does not just revolve around the events there. If I don’t respond to every phone call or text message right away, I will as soon as I am free.

02. I can’t fix your problems: Even though you might think I can, I really can’t. I might even have a lot of good advice, but it is impossible for me to be your rescue. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear what you are going through, because I really care, but all I really can do is listen and let you know God is with you, because…

03. I actually struggle with sin too:
I know, I know.. I’m the pastor, but lets get real here: Pastors are people too.

04.Jesus Was Against Public Prayer:
 Those who argue for public prayer in such diverse settings as government meetings and football games don’t seem to know the Bible.

If they did, they would realize that Jesus was very much against it. In Matthew 6:1, he warns against practicing piety before others, saying that those who do will “have no reward from your Father in heaven.” In Matthew 6:6, as a preface to the Lord’s Prayer, he says that to pray one should go into a room, close the door, and pray in secret. In fact, the King James Version of the Bible translates that as going into a closet to pray.

Perhaps even more significant is that in Matthew 6:5 Jesus harshly criticizes those who pray out loud in synagogues, the local worship settings of his day. Based on that, it seems possible, jolting as it may be, that he may have also disapproved of public prayer in churches, much less

05.We Struggle With Competition And Jealousy: We like to hold ourselves above the petty fray and reiterate, “It’s all about the Kingdom,” but in reality pastors are a competitive bunch. As soon as one pastor asks another, “How big is your church?” the game is on if the two churches are within 20 miles of each other (past 20 miles we lighten up a lot and think each other is pretty cool). Within 20 miles however we begin to assess one another’s style, focus, message, sophistication and marketing. We gauge to see if it’s a “Goldilocks Church” – not to deep, not too shallow, but just right (like us). If you’re too deep we benchmark you as internally focused. If you’re too shallow we brand you as consumer-driven. If however we conclude that you too are a “Goldilocks Church” we then figure out how our church is still better than your church. If you have lame amenities, we critique that you will never grow until you reboot that 70’s sanctuary. If you have awesome amenities, we criticize that you grow only because people are shallow and care more about stuff than Scripture.

Yes we know it’s not right. We know that it’s ego driven, but we still fall victim to it. We believe our church is the best church ever and we can’t understand why everyone doesn’t see it.
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